Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Getting ready

Well before Twas typing these blogs, I was getting ready for my family to visit for the new years. I do not like cleaning too much, so I am very slow. I cleaned my room like in 10 minutes, and I just sat there for a while, because I knew that if I left my room, then I would be assigned something else to clean. Well today is there anything else that I cleaned, oh ya I vacuumed all the carpets, which took a long time since there is a lot of chars and corners in the way. I am not very good an maneuvering either. Well now I fell good, I ma done cleaning, and I think that i have finished the homework for all my classes. Oh, I think my family is here well then by.


Aw shucks, I was planning to take the permit, but I think that I am too young, just my a month or 2. So I will just have to wait to get my permit just for another month or two. I already took the drivers ed in school, which was not the nicest thing on earth, mainly since it started at 7, and I had to wake up at like six thirty. That was pretty hard waking up that early, good thing I don't take long to get ready, because then I would either have to wake up really early, or just be late, I think that I would just be late. By the way everybody happy new years eve.

I almost forgot

I almost forgot, that I still did not finish the extra credit for this class. That would of really stunk. Good thing that I remembered now, I think that I still have like 2 or 3 more blogs to type up. I've liked blogging for this semester. It's been hard to think of what to type, but then again it's been nice reading other peoples blogs, and writing my only comments which is nice. I can not believe that school will start soon again, it seems like yesterday I had to wake up for school.

Friday, December 26, 2008

merry christmas

I love when it is Christmas time. The number one thing that I like when it is near Christmas time, is that I do not have to wake up early. I like to sleep in, and I almost never get to. The second thing that I like is seeing all of my family, even thought it was kind of awkward this Christmas, since there were many people who did not like each other, other than that there were no awkward moments. Well I hope that everyone had a great Christmas, I did, other than the driving to far places, and the traffic, and the huge lines at stores, for literally last minute shopping. My family never sees meets up in big groups, unless there is a holiday, so now I am waiting for July 4 to come.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Woo Hoo

Ahh, I am so glad, I am done with school for two wonderful weeks. I am very happy, now I can finally visit family, and get to the things that have been on my to do list. Well I am still flabbergasted, at midnight, o I like that word: flabbergasted. Hmm, was I supposed to use a colon, I think I was, well I have no clue. I thnik that should also be added on my to do list. O, I just remembered how come I am still up so late, it's becasue I don't have school tomarrow. Woo Hoo, happy holidays everyone!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I am Sick

Oww, shucks, I got sick. I will probably end up being sick over some of the vacation, but the bad part about getting sick near Christmas vacation, is that there are finals. I am trying to think, but every sound hurts my ears, and it's freezing outside. I think I got sick, probably at the worst time to get sick. I think that my hardest test will be in spanish, since, I have tow rite a samll paragrph in spanish, but right now I only remember only about half of it. Well I hope everyone does well, and has a good finals week!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Well I think that the hard part of this month has already past by. Now I am almost done with all my essays, all I have left is espanol. Today their isn't much hw, o wait that reminds me of science, I think there was hw, o, right I did not pick it up oh well. I had a test in science today, I think that it went pretty good, I am aiming for about 18 and up. I don't think my grade can become a b in the class, I am not sure how much it can drop me, but probably not too much. WEll thank god that we will soon have 2 weeks off, I ahve been wating for this day since tuesday of last year. Ok I am stumped, well then by.

Community Service

Well at least one thing is going pretty good this week, community service. This week I have done like 3 hours, I am pretty happy. If anyone needs a place to go to community service, join key club. Because of them I think I have done maybe 10 hours there, they have a lot of service opportunities. Yup, that means I only have like 30 hours left, but I am aiming for a hundred, I think that I can get it if I stay in key club till next year. Well that's my good news of the day.


Today there was this great math test, that I had no clue how to do. I studied, but once the test hit my desk, and I started reading the material, I felt as if I am just looking at Spanish test, it made no sense to me. I am aiming for a 70, it's not too much to ask for I hope I get it. Because that would stink if I got a c in the class, after all the confusing work that I have done in that class. Well that's y news of the day.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


In math class, the teacher finally offered extra credit, and it was to attend a math meeting in Santa Clara, and it was called BAMA. If that word reminds you of something like Obama, not even close. I saw the sign, and i thought that we would have to go to some political thing for math. The funny thing is that this club or organization started before Barrack was known. What a coincidence, anyways it stands for something something math association. Wow I spelt a lot of words wrong, but I just noticed that the spell check thing isn't automatic, well, now I know. That's a nice color its screaming out loud yellow. OK well I guess that I am done, I'll type to you later.


I have some pretty good news, I figured out how to change the language. It ends up that when I decide to click on make a new post, near that area, is the option for what language that I would like to write on. That's pretty interesting, but the only thing bad is that you must know the language to make sense, unless there is a translator. That reminds me of Spanish class, since I don't understand almost any of the work, which reminds me of a different class, music appreciation, I did not know that our school taught it. I wonder what you would do in that class, and I also learned something else today, I learn the concept of interest in math class. It is starting to scare me math has helped in science, and very little in History, but I thought that the teacher was kidding when he said that we will use this in life.

Gee Wilikers

Well I was going to start the post off with Gee Wilikers, but I decided to be very original, by starting off with something different. Gee Wilikers, this is what I thought right when I got home, since I noticed that I have four essays, due pretty soon. There is math, along with his piles of homework, and then the other classes, and the other thing is three of the classes that have essays are my lowest three. I am kinda running out of time, since I usually get home at 4:30, that gives me about 6 and a half hours, it may osund like a lot of time,but for some reason it isn't. GOod Luck to everyone on thier essays, and projects!