Friday, May 22, 2009

world peace

So I was out of ideas, and I told the girl to tell me what is on her mind, and she talked about world peace. She talked about why there is not any world peace. She said "in a peaceful world everybody would get what they want to have peace but what about the crazy people in the world who get peace out of killing people or molesting children ? there peace would interfere with the people who are normal who don't like that." Rhea. SHe talked a little bit longer, but I started zoning out. Anyways I like what she said about how some people see peace in different ways.


WEll I am in spanish class, and I have been done with the project for quite a while, so I decided to type my blogs. I was not sure what I should type about,but, then I came up with an idea to type what the girl behind me says when I ask her to "say something"?. The first thing Rhea said was shut up, then she said wait are you typing what I am saying, I answered yes. Then she put her head down. THe some random girl said something, and that she said something.

Don't know what happened

SO WEll I was typing,ad the page dissapeared, but I forgot what I was typing about. Now I will start typing about something complletly random. Well I really do not feel top great today, I feel like just going home. This day seems pretty long, but at least it is friday. Oh, and at least there is no school this monday. Well that kind of helped this sluggish mood I am in. Oh no, I forgot about the meeting for honors english today. Man now will have to spend an entire lunch in a class room. Bye.

Monday, May 11, 2009


I hate running. But some types of sunning I do like. For instance I do like to run for positions, but I do not like to runs the mile. When ever I run the mile, I usually feel like dying half way through. When I run, I usually get stomach aches, and start to breathe heavily. I always end up being last. But running for positions is a great experience. Leadership positions are good, well at least thats what I think. I think this because it helps people with real life experiences.For instance if someone is working, leadership positions would prepare people for communications, and leading groups of people.


I totally forgot about the posts. I guess my mind is slowly forgetting things. Near the end of the year there is always many projects, and there are many deadlines. I hope I meat all the deadlines. I have a project in photography, English, math, and maybe in science. I do not think that I will dot the science project, since there is not too much time left in order to do a complete project. It is lunch, and I am typing my last few blogs. I usually do not do things last minute, but I guess this is a exception. Bye.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New week

It is a new week, and I think that it will be a good one. It feels like summer, which is good and bad. It is good, since I like the whether, but it is bad since this is the time that I get really board in school. I can't wait till school is over, I will probably go to the beach like daily. I will sleep, eat, and do hopefully do everything else on my to-do list. I also want to visit family. THat reminds me that this summer will be short. No.I think after summer school there is only like a three or four weeks to relax. O well.

Friday, May 1, 2009


So I am in History and I looked over in Ashley's direction and saw this sticker saying, "No More Bushit." I like that slogan I think I'll use this slogan from now on. While I'm typing this I'm reading it out loud and people are staring at me and Ashley thinks I am so random. Ok I am back, I went to spanish class, and now I am typing my blog again. Today it is raining, and cold. I like when it rains, and I like when it is warm. I think that I am not too picky about the whether.

Scoot over

So I am in HIstory class, and someone said scoot over. So I decided to blog about all the space we have in the hallways. There is no space, and it is terrible. Because of the lack of space, people walk, which forces me to walk, and which forces me to be late. I am usually late to science. Actually I have gotten much better since we moved to the new the room. I guess it is less to travel from my locker.I am happy that we moved to the new room.


This post has an interesting name. It can mean jam as in grape jam or jam packed. Anyways this week has been very jam packed, but thankfully we got a break because they made the days shorter because of the CST's. I have two projects one from math and one from spanish. For both projects I'm almost halfway done. Over the weekend I plan to finish my Spanish project. I'm drawing a blank now. I totally have no clue what to write. Oh, I got something! So I'm in History.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Well I was wandering what I should type about for my next blog, and I sneezed, which gave me my next idea. My next idea is to write about my lovely allergies. I love em, they always attack all year round. I ma not that bad, and I think if I took medicine it would help, but many people in my family do not like anyone to take medicine unless they must. I wander what type of experience made them think that way. Maybe some weird side effect that only happens in a thousand people. Well my family is lucky that way, we get chosen for the bad stuff even if it's against the odds.

Earth Day

Happy Earth Day everyone. I am not sure how many people know that it is today, but that does not mean that we should not do anything. I like those little holidays that seem weird, not saying this one is weird. For instance administrative professionals day,is in my planner for school, it is on a Wednesday in April, I forgot which one though. This Holiday I am sure not many people know or celebrate it, I wonder what are you supposed to do. For earth day my family yesterday walked to Starbucks instead of driving, that and the fact that my entire family ate a lot, decided that they should try walking some of it off.


I like this time of year, it's not too hot or cold. It's a great time to take walks, but it's this time of year I can not wait till school is over. Even thought there are only like seven weeks of school left, I feel as if I will explode if I have to go to school once more. I like the summer, it's less packed, it's usually the only time we have family reunions, and usually the only time I travel to L.A. SPeaking of traveling and family, I now really do not have to wake up for school, but at least it is a Thursday.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

On the contrary

I usually type all my blogs on the first day I have a chance but this week I was very sick and very tired, it was bad. It was terrible. That would be a better word, since I already used it twice, anyways my point was going to be about how It type at the begging of the week, and now I ma typing at the end that is funny. Haha, I ma hilarious, I always laugh at my jokes, I wander how many other people laugh at their own jokes.

TIme for school again

Unfortunately it's time for school again, and I can not spell Unfortunately. I spelled it like three times longer, I guess it's because I ma not a great speller, and because I have been on the computer for quite a while. I don't like staring at the computer. I will change the subject very quickly to traffic now. I think that was a great t transition. I do not think that I will type about traffic anymore. I think that sentence on transitions was great and entertaing.


Yeesh I am tires, I think I need another week break. I was very sick, and it was very hectic week with all of the family visiting, and all the visiting my family did. I like to visit, just not as much as we did, especially while I was sick. I am better now, now I just have a nasty cough. By the way Yeesh is spelled wrong, and the first word that they suggest is Yeshiva. That is an interesting word, I wander what it means.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I am tired. Well that is my blog. By. I am just kidding, hahahahahaha. That was my evil laugh. Anyways I am drawing a blank on what to type about for the blogs. It usually does not take long to think of something, but this time it is. This always happens to me on tests too. I study a lot, but once the tests comes, sometimes it feels as if the test is in Spanish, which I am horrible at. Spanish class is challenging, but I can survive, but when the teacher talks in spanish to some of the students who already knew spanish, I understand nothing. Oh, look at that, I went really off topic, and was able to write an entire blog about random things.


I get so frustrated with computers. They always fail on people when they need them most, but at least they work sometimes. Something else that is annoying is spell check on my computer at home and lap top there is no spell check, which makes it kind of hard to type a paper without many mistakes. At least hotmail, and blogger have spell check. Whenever I want to do spell check, I just copy and paste the writing into hotmail. It takes longer, but at least it works.

Dare or Dare

I recently played old maid. This game is pretty fun especially with ten teenagers playing along. On the way back to Sa Jose from Anaheim, I played old maind, a game in which who ever has the joker at the end of the game is called old maid. We changed this game and made it so if you lost you had to do a dare, instead of being called an old maid. I only lost once, but mine was kind of emberassing. I am not going type up what I had to say, but it was pretty funny. The other half of the time we plyaed something like old maid, but instead who ever got the joker, we played by whoever got the lowest card, and picture cards. When we started playing that, many more people lost.
P.S. I am extremly tired, and for some odd reason spell check does not work, so excuse my spelling errors.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I accidentally pressed the symbol`, while I was typing, since that happened, I decided to decorate the title with it. It looks pretty nice, I am proud of my creation. Anyways I was going to blog about how I usually type my blogs in one to two days, but this week I decided to mix it up. I typed my blogs all over the week, I think, I don't remember the last time I typed up a blog. Oh, by the way I won't be at school tomorrow. Now since I have stated that, you might be wondering where will I be, but I will type about that on the next blog.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Today badminton was cancelled. That means that there was no mile indian run, or any liners. I am always last for liners, I always end up sliding on the floor, since my shoes are so old. I bought new shoes, but this entire week I have missed the entire begging of the practice of the week. My legs are much happier than last week since I ran almost every practice. There is also some bad news, since the coach just said that practice on Wednesday will be at five! I do not think that I will ever go to a meeting on Wednesday.


I thought it was Friday. I do not know why though. I think it has something with leadership, since I woke up early. Another reason it may be is because I did not go to any club meetings. I went to the poetry slam, and saw some amazing poems. I also lost five points for not standing when an adult walked into the theater. I totally forgot that rule, especially since it was at lunch, and my mind was on food.

Friday, March 27, 2009


I am sure that everyone rushed in the report, in the last few minutes of their day. I did the same, but I did not stay up tool late or woke up really early, I did mixed those two methods of cramming work in the last minute. I stayed up till 1:30, but woke up at 5:30. The weird part is, in all the hours of working yesterday, it was just for a page and a half, and putting my work cited page into MLA format. My report came out to my goal, six to seven pages.
I can sleep early, and wake up late tonight!


We just finished the rules for English class, and now I will have to follow new rules for history, woohoo. I thought that it was really clever of Mr. Thompson to plan this whole thing out. It sounds like it could have taken a while to make up. History's rules seem slightly easier, other than the colors, but I usually wear gray anyways, so that won't be something new. The standing might be kind of awkward, but since in almost every class there rare kids who have him. SO that would mean that I would not be alone.

Oops I Forgot

Well today is already Tuesday, and I have not even typed up one blog. The time actually went really slow during the week, but now that I look back it kind of went fast. This week was pretty hectic with homework, and test, and of course reports. Hopefully next week won't be as hectic, but I am pretty sure that it will.
That reminds about the cell phone incident. Jeeze, the music was put on volume seven out of seven, and I almost never have it that high. The one time I do it is in class. Anyways the person, or maybe I should say thing that called me was a car insurance company. I forgot which one it was it was either one that says my insurance expired, or do not listen this message if you are not Andrew something, which always tempts me to listen to it. The weirdest part is I do not even have a car.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

In case you did not know

In case you did not know, I got brasses. This is not knew or old news, it's only been a few days. SO far I am hating it, since my teeth are so sore, and because the medal hurts my lips. The other annoying part is the rubber brands. Especially when I am eating, my dentist try to eat with them on. Os I tried, but it does not work out. They keep flying across the room, or snap in my mouth which is really surprising, and kinda hurts.


The whole day I thought it was Wednesday, until I got home. Once I got home, I thought for some odd reason that it was Tuesday, which explains why I am blogging on a Wednesday. I usually blog on Tuesday and Wednesday's. I have been off track for a while, I think the main reason is because of the COSMOS application. I rushed for the past week, typing and proofing, and on Sunday at four something I postmarked the envelope. That whole week was a big rush.


Hello people, I am done with the tests. Woohoo, it was pretty easy, especially the math part. The only thing that I did not like how they would not let the students leave once done with their tests. I was extremely board, considering I do not like boring things. On the plus side I finished most of my homework for my other classes, so I guess that was better than going to fourth period.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I am in 5th period

Hello people I am in my fifth period now. I like this period, since there is not too much work, but if I miss one day, I usually miss a lot. Wow I can not believe that I am finishing a homework assignment in class. I am quite good at multitasking. the next ting that I will be typing about is time change. This time change is horrible, I wake up and I am extremly tired. I started my research essay yesterday, but I have only started my intorduction. Hopefully, I will be able to finish my second paragraph today.

I am creating

I am creating a new post in spanish again. I currently have three wrong out of 36. I do not think that is too bad, I could have done better though. My hand is hurting from al the writing in spanish. I have so much homework already, and it is only third period. I hope there is no more HW after this class. I am back, I had to save now and planned to finish this blog latter. Which is currently happening. Hmm, I totally forgot what I was typing about, I should go back to read what I wrote, but I will write about being clueless. I am clueless.


Hello I am typing this blog in spanish. THe girl next to me is saying that she has not done her blogs in a month. I did not know that juniors have to blog to. well actually I have herd some juniors talking about blogging. We are about to exchange papers, and time to grade my partners work. I take forever in spanish. Thank god, she did not pick on me for to say what the answer was, because she then would have told me to put the laptop away. Woohoo, so far I got all of them correct, well the first section was easy,I noticed that it got harder as we kept on going. I think it is time to pay attention I do not know where we are.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


for some odd reason this word came to my kind for what I should type about next. I wonder why we have tile. For instance why is their tile in bathroom, why do we tile the ground. Whats wrong with carpet, or cement. Well cement is ugly, and lets see is there something wrong with carpet, I guess it depends on the person, and what they like.Well now I have answered my own question on a blog. Next time I will be typing about something else, but maybe something little more on topic with previous blogs. Well that's my blog, by.

I wonder

I was just wondering if there happens to be a time that I always write my blogs. I think that I usually start typing around four o'clock. I do not know hwy I don't start earlier. I usually do my homework, randomly, first with easiest, then with hardest, then whatever comes to my mind as being more important, and time consuming. I guess this would go under, well I don't know where this would go,it would probably go after the hardest thing, which is usually math. Math homework is not that hard, it's more time consuming, but that is if I learn the concept from the book, not the notes I take in class.


For a minute, I thought it was Tuesday, I don't know why thought. Anyways I think that this week will go better than my previous weeks so far. I don;t know why, but I just have a feeling that this week will not be as hectic as the last. Badminton starts this week, well actually it started a while back, but Wednesday will the first practice. I hope that there will not be as much running as their was in the conditioning. The conditioning was pretty hard for me. I was really sore the first day, after the first day I was sore, but eventually it faded.

Friday, February 27, 2009


Tada, I am almost done with my three blogs. I find it amazing that five minites ago I had a lot of work ahead of me, and now I ma almost done with one of my two classes that have homework. I also find it amazing how by pressing these buttons a letter pops up on the screen, I wonder how this all works. Hmm, the computer says that I spelt tada wrong, I wonder how you are supposed to spell it. Well tada, ten minites ago, I started my first blog, and now I ma done with my third, I think that this is the greatest magic trick ever.
P.S. I keep spelling minites and tada wrong, the red is annoying me.


Well it seems as thought I stilll have a lot of work untill i am done with my homework. I think that I only have homework for two of my classes,english and math. I have to study for a pretest in math and in this class I have to write one more blog. Well I am half way done with this classe's homework fortunently. OK now I am getting a headache by my hand hitting two keys at once, I hat having to e race because my fingers hit two buttons. They should make laptops with bigger space for the finger s to hit. FOr people who are clumsy,, and for people who have big hands. Well now I am going to bring in my title in with my conclusion, I am now done with this post.

Almost forgot

Wow I completly forgot about blogs. I have been so tired this week. I could not wait one more second to get home and relax. I felt as if I were going to explode. Well thankfully I am done with taking the tests today, I do not think I did too good, but I know i did not do too bad. This week has been my week on getting behind, hopefully next week will be my week on catching up. Ok well I guess it's too late I already can't think of what else to write owell, by.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


I was planning on brushing my teeth while I am writing this blog, but the internet took forever to come, and by that time I had already spit. But now I am brushing my hair and typing. It is kind of hard to type with only one hand, well not hard, but I ma pretty slow. Jeeze, it will take me forever at this rate. One of the most annoying thing while typing is that my fingers sometimes hit two buttons instead of one, or I type one letter before the other. Another mistake I usually do is I capitalize the first two letters of anew sentence.

Friday, February 20, 2009

It's Friday!

Well the person next to me said that I should write about dogs, but I rather type about it being Friday. I am so happy that it is Friday; I finally get to sleep in. I don't have to much homework over the weekend, so that is a reason to celebrate. I hope that evryone's weekend will be filled with relaxation, and happiness. Well now the person is telling me to talk about tables, and how they are stable. They are actually pretty stable, but I think if there was an earthquake, then the table would probably brake. SO now I am wondering why Someone would not run out of a room, instead of hiding under a table.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I can not believe that it is already Thursday. I am so glad that there is only tomorrow left, and then it will be the weekend, so I can go back to catching up on old homework, and other things. I do not think that I would be ready for the rest of the week if tomorrow were not Friday, I think that if it were Tuesday or Wednesday, then I would go crazy. I am also glad about there not being any badminton conditioning this whole week. LAst6 week my legs were so sore, I was barley able to walk, but now my legs have healed,and it's all better.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Internet connection

Jeez I do not like my internet connection, when ever I open the lap top, I have to type in the password each time order to get the internet. Not only that, it's slow, O well, at least there is internet connection. It is a hassle. Anyways, I am happy about the long weekend that we had, it was very nice not to have to wake up early, my mom was pretty happy about that to. This keyboard is very loud, it's very old. i think that it is time to buy a new one. The letters on this are kind of worn out, so you can barely tell what you are typing.


I forgot all about blogging over the weekend. I wonder how much this will hurt my grade. The only thing that I can think that can still save my grade in this class, is is the teacher lets us have till Wednesday, I hope he does. If not there is nothing I can do about it, except to study for the hot seats, O well.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I forgot all about doing the blogs this week. It is funny I have been doing this for almost six months, and I actually can forget something like that. I wonder what else I am able to forget. I can probably forget a lot, something like to fay is thursday. When I woke up it felt like a Friday, but guess what it was not, it burst my bubble, because that mean that I have to wake up at six twenty tomorrow. O well, at least there will be a four day weekend. THat will be very fun, woo hoo.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I am tired

I am stumped on what to write right now, i am debatting either just to rammble on and on about nothing like
I am right now, or come up with a meaningfull story. jeeze, many things are annoying on this computer, ssuch as the mouse, and the capitalizing button. When I capitalize, for some reason it does not capitalize the letter unless I press hard on the button. o i have good news, I am almost done like usual. on tuesday or thursday. i decided not to write the day between them, since that word is kind of hard to write. i always misplace the n or s. I just noticed, that I wrote I am tire as my title, instead of tired.

dunb mouse

Uggh my mouse is annoying me right now. it won't move, it keeps on getting stuck. I wonder why that happens some times. if it does happen, i never know what to do, it is a saddening time again. I feel like throwing this ouse across the room. Uggh it is just sitting there, I am talking about the little arrow. Anyways ither than my arrow problems, I don't thing I have many others. I am now hungry all over again.

New Begging

Tuesday, or Moday is a time to start all over. This is a good thing, unless lats week was good, in this case it was not too bad, so this week so far sucks. I got a very bad score in math, and there is quite a bit of work in all my classes. Hopefully this week will get beter with les and less work. Actually, I would have no problem with absolutley no work at all. for some reason I keep o forgetting all my homework. Lets see, ok i remember what i had to do. Woo Hoo I know what I have to do now. Now i wish that it was less, ok my sadness is back.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I am done, my usuall name for my last blog.

WooHoo, I am almost done with all of the blogs,I am very happy. THis is something unusuall for me on a monday or a tuesday. I feel happy, and relieved that after I am done with this blog, I can not have to worry about typing anymore blogs for the rest of the week. Well my rest of the week, I think that it will be pretty be just like this, laid back, other than all of the homework. Well the people next to me just said a random word, it was "pickles", and now they are reading what I am typing. They are still reading what I ama typing. now they ae reading me type that I am done with this blog,


Today there is a lot of HW. I think that I have HW in almost all of my classes, except for digital photography. FIrst period I still have to do the math review assigment, and studt, science there is work out of the book, history, there is the skill builder, and spanish there is just a few problems that I have left to do in the work book. To me it seems that there sometimes is just not enough hours in the day, I think that there should be 26 instead of 24. With those two extra hours, that would reall help. Well I hope that everyone else does not have as much Hw as I have.


Its the begging of the week, and I am already tired.I wander why I am already tired. It might have to do with leadership, since it makes you wake up an hour earlly, and makes you tired the whole day. Which will end up being tomarrow. I am glad that after tomarrow there will only be Friday left for waking up at 6, and then it will be a nice long weekend. TOday I am planning on going to sleep early. Another reason why I tyhink thta I am getting tired is because of my extreme routine. BY extreme I mena doing the same exact things every day. That will be another thing that I will be working on, changing my routine.

Friday, January 23, 2009


I am tired, I think that I am tired from playing Uno until midnight every night. That is one of the things that I probably should stop doing, because every morning I feel like a zombie, and I probably look like one to.I think that the other part of me being tired, is from waking up at 6:20 for leadership. I like leadrership so far, other than the whole waking up one hour earlly part. Well thankfully it's the weekend, so that means that I can stay up as late as I want, and that I gat to catch up on all the hours lost on sleep.


I don't like to vacuum. Ever since I was a kid the sound of vacuums, annoyed me a lot. I still do not like their loud noise. Especially, when I am on the phone or doing homework, it is extremely hard to pay attention. I think that the other reason why I do not like to vacuum, is because one time I was vacuuming the stairs, and the next thing I knew, the vacuum was falling towards me. It really hurt, probably since it was falling so quickly. Ever since that time I hated to vacuum. Well that is my blog, and my complaining list, good bye.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I am so happy that school started on a wednesday. This means that I have to wake up early only twice this week. Today I woke up thinking that it was monday, and I was about to go crazy. But thankfully, my mom said "thank god, that i only have to wake up this week two more times". Thus caused much confusion, I was like  what are you talking about. Then she had to explain the the whole four day weekend thing to me, then I was very happy. Ever since that time I have been happier than usual. Well in conclusion I am very happy that there is only three days of school this week, and that we have already done one.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I'm done

Wow I have been typing for about two minutes, and I have already typed two blogs. I think that I would be a lot faster at this if I knew how to spell cereal, and serial. But because of the last blog, I can now spell both of those words, without miss spelling them. SO I have at least accomplished one thing this week, it was not a complete failure. That reminds me of American Idol, and of how many people try out. I would not be able to imagine, winning a contest that big. There is a lot of people, it is amazing, I wonder how many people vote, it's probably in the millions. It's interesting, how there has been eight seasons, but I can only think of like 2 winners.


When I got home, my grandma was watching her usual series, they are pretty interesting. Anyways, then I started thinking of all the different types of way serial is used, for breakfast, for lists, for lists of murders I think. Like serial killer, interesting word. I wandered why is it called serial killer, and I wondered how I would spell cereal, and then I thought of series,. WHoich is how I came up with the solution of a serial killer is a killer that killed a list of people. I think that makes sence.


Wow, its already Thursday, this week went by fast. It hit me today, while eating, that I still did not do my blogs this week, and i then brainstormed what I would talk about, it was kind of easy, but I was not sure which to pick, so I chose this one, the explaining what I chose blog. This week has not been too grate, I have been late to two classes, this week, and I have done trash duty once. Trash duty is actually not too bad, I got to empty out all my junk from last semester.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

first love*

I remember the day I saw her as if it were yesterday. She was about five feet and skinny like me. Her skin was really smooth, and she was pretty white, almost a plae color. Her name was Christina, and she was almost like each other. Both our parents are divorced, the only difference was that she lived in los angles, and I lived in San Jose.
I first saw her at a restaurant in L.A, and it ended up my dad and her mom were friends,so my father and I went to there table to have lunch with them. It was a very nice lunch, the only problem was that I could barley talk to her, and I did not make sense around her. Once that lunch was over, her mom, invited us to her brothers, house for lunch the next day. Over the night, I was very happy, that I would get to see her again.
Once I got to the people's house the next day, everyone shook hands and said hello, I felt kind of weird shaking hands with all those people that I never even met before. Once I got to her, she shook my hand. Her hands were cold, and they were really soft. Her nails were not painted, but I think that they had a clear shiny coat, and she had no makeup on. Once I shook her hand, I remember that my voice was too shaky to say hello, and that my knees were to shaky to stand. So I leaned on the wall, but my dad said that that was rude to I had to stand up strait. Finally it was time for the food, I sat right across from Christina, which was nice, but at the same time not too great, this is when I noticed that I am a very shy person, too shy to even say hello.
When lunch was over, it was time to sit in the living room and for everyone to have a huge conversation. This is when I finally learned some stuff about her, I asked how old she was, and at the time she was 14, so was I. I learned some other things too, like her parents were divorced, and that she is an only child, just like me again. When I finally got the hang of talking to her, I finally was relaxed, and my voice did not sound like I had just had 10 cups of coffee. By that time, my dad got up to leave, and I was sad since I probably would not get to see her again.
On my way out, she asked if I had a facebook, which I did, so we kept in touch by facebook. When I arrived in back to san jose, I found that there was a message form her on facebook, and it said that she was moving to Michigan. That was a shocker, I felt really sad, because then I would never get to see her again.Now each time I go to visit Los Angeles, ask my dad if he knows if there is anything new with Christina and her mom.
P.S. She still does not know that I had a crush on her.


Well, I can't believe the weekend flew so quickly. It went by like in one minute. I really did not accomplish too much, I mainly caught up on my sleep, and got to play uno a lot. That was pretty fun, so far since Tuesday, my whole family and I have been playing till midnight. Once it turns midnight, I would have to go to sleep, and the rest of my family got to play till whenever they got bored. But on Friday, I played till 2 in the korning, and saturday I played till 1:30, it was quiet fun. But today, I think that I will not play too, much, I got worn out from playing hte same game do long.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Hmm, this is so weird, during the week I forced my self to go to sleep at midnight, and now I am beat. I can barely open my eyes, and I don't know why. I wonder if what Ia m typing makes any sense to anyone other than me. Right now it's almost exactly midnight, oh no I forgot about "Threes company". Ok well, I think tha tI will go now, I have got to watch this show, and tomarrow, hopefully I will finish the last assgiment.


Wow this week was very fast, it flew right past me. Thank God that it was not slow. The only slow day in school that was slow, very slow was to day, Friday. i think that the only reason why it went so slow was because of the grade level assembly. It was a real blast, but unfortunenlty i don't think that I learnt anything interesting at the assembly. Well other than that this week was pretty good.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


I am very tired, I slept kind of late, but not too late. Well now the winter vacation is almost over, saddening. Starting Monday I will have to wake up at 7 all over again, which means I will have to go to sleep by 11, which stinks, because "Threes Company" starts at 11:30 till 1:30, and I have been watching it for the past week and a half, but now I will not get to see that show until I get a day off from school. Hmm, I am all out of ideas for what to write now, so I'll just type about being stumped on where to go now.