Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Well I was wandering what I should type about for my next blog, and I sneezed, which gave me my next idea. My next idea is to write about my lovely allergies. I love em, they always attack all year round. I ma not that bad, and I think if I took medicine it would help, but many people in my family do not like anyone to take medicine unless they must. I wander what type of experience made them think that way. Maybe some weird side effect that only happens in a thousand people. Well my family is lucky that way, we get chosen for the bad stuff even if it's against the odds.

1 comment:

Lorita said...

You know, I can actually hear you sneezing. That's really creative!!! I don't get allergies but I have been sneezing quite often. In every class, there's at least two to three people who sneeze constantly. However it is no bother because it's always worthy to say, "bless you."