Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Its the begging of the week, and I am already tired.I wander why I am already tired. It might have to do with leadership, since it makes you wake up an hour earlly, and makes you tired the whole day. Which will end up being tomarrow. I am glad that after tomarrow there will only be Friday left for waking up at 6, and then it will be a nice long weekend. TOday I am planning on going to sleep early. Another reason why I tyhink thta I am getting tired is because of my extreme routine. BY extreme I mena doing the same exact things every day. That will be another thing that I will be working on, changing my routine.

1 comment:

Lorita said...

yeah, I know!! I am so tired but don't feel like sleeping. I don't mind getting up early in the morning but it's just that the same old routine keeps taking place in my life.