Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Well I was wandering what I should type about for my next blog, and I sneezed, which gave me my next idea. My next idea is to write about my lovely allergies. I love em, they always attack all year round. I ma not that bad, and I think if I took medicine it would help, but many people in my family do not like anyone to take medicine unless they must. I wander what type of experience made them think that way. Maybe some weird side effect that only happens in a thousand people. Well my family is lucky that way, we get chosen for the bad stuff even if it's against the odds.

Earth Day

Happy Earth Day everyone. I am not sure how many people know that it is today, but that does not mean that we should not do anything. I like those little holidays that seem weird, not saying this one is weird. For instance administrative professionals day,is in my planner for school, it is on a Wednesday in April, I forgot which one though. This Holiday I am sure not many people know or celebrate it, I wonder what are you supposed to do. For earth day my family yesterday walked to Starbucks instead of driving, that and the fact that my entire family ate a lot, decided that they should try walking some of it off.


I like this time of year, it's not too hot or cold. It's a great time to take walks, but it's this time of year I can not wait till school is over. Even thought there are only like seven weeks of school left, I feel as if I will explode if I have to go to school once more. I like the summer, it's less packed, it's usually the only time we have family reunions, and usually the only time I travel to L.A. SPeaking of traveling and family, I now really do not have to wake up for school, but at least it is a Thursday.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

On the contrary

I usually type all my blogs on the first day I have a chance but this week I was very sick and very tired, it was bad. It was terrible. That would be a better word, since I already used it twice, anyways my point was going to be about how It type at the begging of the week, and now I ma typing at the end that is funny. Haha, I ma hilarious, I always laugh at my jokes, I wander how many other people laugh at their own jokes.

TIme for school again

Unfortunately it's time for school again, and I can not spell Unfortunately. I spelled it like three times longer, I guess it's because I ma not a great speller, and because I have been on the computer for quite a while. I don't like staring at the computer. I will change the subject very quickly to traffic now. I think that was a great t transition. I do not think that I will type about traffic anymore. I think that sentence on transitions was great and entertaing.


Yeesh I am tires, I think I need another week break. I was very sick, and it was very hectic week with all of the family visiting, and all the visiting my family did. I like to visit, just not as much as we did, especially while I was sick. I am better now, now I just have a nasty cough. By the way Yeesh is spelled wrong, and the first word that they suggest is Yeshiva. That is an interesting word, I wander what it means.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I am tired. Well that is my blog. By. I am just kidding, hahahahahaha. That was my evil laugh. Anyways I am drawing a blank on what to type about for the blogs. It usually does not take long to think of something, but this time it is. This always happens to me on tests too. I study a lot, but once the tests comes, sometimes it feels as if the test is in Spanish, which I am horrible at. Spanish class is challenging, but I can survive, but when the teacher talks in spanish to some of the students who already knew spanish, I understand nothing. Oh, look at that, I went really off topic, and was able to write an entire blog about random things.


I get so frustrated with computers. They always fail on people when they need them most, but at least they work sometimes. Something else that is annoying is spell check on my computer at home and lap top there is no spell check, which makes it kind of hard to type a paper without many mistakes. At least hotmail, and blogger have spell check. Whenever I want to do spell check, I just copy and paste the writing into hotmail. It takes longer, but at least it works.

Dare or Dare

I recently played old maid. This game is pretty fun especially with ten teenagers playing along. On the way back to Sa Jose from Anaheim, I played old maind, a game in which who ever has the joker at the end of the game is called old maid. We changed this game and made it so if you lost you had to do a dare, instead of being called an old maid. I only lost once, but mine was kind of emberassing. I am not going type up what I had to say, but it was pretty funny. The other half of the time we plyaed something like old maid, but instead who ever got the joker, we played by whoever got the lowest card, and picture cards. When we started playing that, many more people lost.
P.S. I am extremly tired, and for some odd reason spell check does not work, so excuse my spelling errors.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I accidentally pressed the symbol`, while I was typing, since that happened, I decided to decorate the title with it. It looks pretty nice, I am proud of my creation. Anyways I was going to blog about how I usually type my blogs in one to two days, but this week I decided to mix it up. I typed my blogs all over the week, I think, I don't remember the last time I typed up a blog. Oh, by the way I won't be at school tomorrow. Now since I have stated that, you might be wondering where will I be, but I will type about that on the next blog.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Today badminton was cancelled. That means that there was no mile indian run, or any liners. I am always last for liners, I always end up sliding on the floor, since my shoes are so old. I bought new shoes, but this entire week I have missed the entire begging of the practice of the week. My legs are much happier than last week since I ran almost every practice. There is also some bad news, since the coach just said that practice on Wednesday will be at five! I do not think that I will ever go to a meeting on Wednesday.


I thought it was Friday. I do not know why though. I think it has something with leadership, since I woke up early. Another reason it may be is because I did not go to any club meetings. I went to the poetry slam, and saw some amazing poems. I also lost five points for not standing when an adult walked into the theater. I totally forgot that rule, especially since it was at lunch, and my mind was on food.