Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Isn't it Funny

Isn't it funny how I can talk about nothing, and make a large paragraph out of it. I mean most of my blogs, are about pretty much, about nothing usually the titles are the first words that come to my head. Kind of like this one, I did not know what to write about, so I decided to write about me writing about pretty much nothing. This reminds of questions that I have no idea how to answer, I just repeat the sentence and end up guessing, or use other questions to answer the question. For instance on the history benchmark there was a question asking about their government in Venice, and I did not know what ti was about, so I looked further in the test, and there was an article heading, saying something about how the rulers did want monarchy. Wow isn't this funny, how almost half of my paragraph is in an example, and the other half, is about how I think things are funny.

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