Friday, May 1, 2009


So I am in History and I looked over in Ashley's direction and saw this sticker saying, "No More Bushit." I like that slogan I think I'll use this slogan from now on. While I'm typing this I'm reading it out loud and people are staring at me and Ashley thinks I am so random. Ok I am back, I went to spanish class, and now I am typing my blog again. Today it is raining, and cold. I like when it rains, and I like when it is warm. I think that I am not too picky about the whether.


Lorita said...

No More Bushit!!! Yeah, I have seen that before. Well if you use that slogan, people will think something else.

MissTrinh said...

Lol it is so weird about the weather. Unlike you I am very picky I hate the sun or the rays of light from it at least.

Yeah I am sick of about everything.

As you said it is a good slogan when everything about your life is going wrong.